At present there are 6.6 billion people worldwide. 2 people are born and one dies each second.

The total surface of the Earth is 561 million km2 out of which 29% is continental. The total arable area of the planet is 3 billion ha which is 20% from continental area.

The agricultural surface of the planet may increase with only 8% which is around 250 million ha (J. Braun, Institute of Worldwide Economy, New York, 2008).

It is said in the scientific world that by 2050 we will reach a total of 9.2 billion people with 2.5 billion more than at present. At least 50% out of all actual Earth population is starving.

Romania has:
•    9,338,900 ha of arable land,
•    3,391,700 ha of meadows,
•    1,498,500 ha of grass land,
•    289,000ha of vineyards and
•    270,600 ha of orchards.

32.4% out of Romanian active population is involved in agriculture (comparing with 1% in Sweden, 1.12% in UK, 1.52% in Germany, 2.98% in Czech Republic, 3.06% in France, 11.02% in Hungary etc).

Romania has 20,862 km of rivers which may be used for irrigation by using the gravitational system (the cheapest one).

More than 4,000,000 ha are not planted in Romania. In the dry year of 2007 under 3 million tones of cereals was produced and around 7 million tones in 2008.

Around 50% from the arable land is farmed at present by 4,000,000 farms which is 98% from the total number of Romanian farms. Around 80% from these farms are classified as very small-sized farms and 45% means only under 1 ha.

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