64% of Romanian farms produced mainly for own consumption
This Statistics in Focus is part of a series of country-specific publications on the results of the Farm Structure Survey (FSS) 2007. It provides a brief but nevertheless comprehensive insight into the farm structure in Romania.
3 931 350 agricultural holdings were recorded in Romania in the Farm Structure Survey 2007 (7.6% fewer than in 2005).The average area per holding increased by 31 % reaching 11.0 ha.
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Due to the different coverage of the FSS across Member States, the total number of farms is not
comparable between countries. This is why the present analysis, including Tables 1-4 and the graphs focus on holdings of at least one European Size Unit (ESU). See the methodological notes for more information on the concept of ESU.
In 2007, around 22% of the agricultural holdings (866 700) had an economic size of at least 1 ESU,
compared with 1 236 000 (which represent 29% of the holdings...